무은재기념관 424호

- Ph.D. Pennsylvania State Univ., Mass Communications
- M.A. Univ. of Alabama, Telecommunication & Film
- M.A. Korea Univ., Mass Communications (Emphasis: Broadcasting)
- B.A. Korea Univ., Education (Specialization&Teacher Certificate: Home Economics) with minor in Mass Communications

- 2022.9~PresentPohang University of Science and Technology, Division of Humanities and Social Sciences, Professor
- 2015.9~2022.8Pohang University of Science and Technology, Division of Humanities and Social Sciences, Associate Professor
- 2011~2015.8Pohang University of Science and Technology, Division of Humanities and Social Sciences, Assistant Professor
- 2008~2011Cleveland State Univ. School of Communication, Assistant Professor
- 2007~2008Kent State Univ. School of Communication Studies, Visiting Assistant Professor

- Social and psychological processing of media
- Appeal of entertainment media
- Media and emotion
- Cross-cultural comparison in mediated communication

- 김용찬, 김진희, 김예란 (2023). <위험, 사회, 미디어>. 컬처룩
- 김진희, 서미혜, 김용찬 (2022). 지진 재난 속 여성 돌봄자들의 지역기반 소셜미디어 이용과 연대. 이동후 편. <디지털 미디어 소비와 젠더> (pp. 467-521). 커뮤니케이션북스.
- 김진희, 서미혜, & 김용찬 (2021). 포스트-지진 재난 상황에서 지역기반 소셜미디어를 통한 시민관여. <한국언론학보>, 65권 6호, 295-333.
- 김진희, 서미혜, 김용찬 (2020). 포항지진과 지역 기반 소셜미디어 의존. 김기흥, 김진희, 김철식, 정채연 편. <포항지진 그 후: 재난 거버넌스와 재난 시티즌십> (pp. 221-263). 나남
- Kim, J., Kim, Y-C., & Seo, M. (2023). A social identity model of localized social media dependency during post-earthquake disaster. Mass Communication and Society. 26(5), 801-826.
- Kim, J., Kim, H. K., Kim, S., & Lin, S-F. (2019). Cultural trait Vs. personality trait: Predicting the appeal of Korean entertainment among Asian viewers in Singapore, Taiwan, and Hong Kong. Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, 63, 285-303.
- Kim, J., & Eom, K. (2019). Cross-cultural media effects research. In M. B. Oliver, A. A. Raney, & J. Bryant (Eds.) Media effects: Advances in theory and research (pp. 419-434, 4th ed.). New York, NY: Routledge
- Stavrositu, C. D., & Kim, J. (corresponding author) (2018). Self-Persuasion through mobile applications: Exploring different routes to health behavioral change. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 21, 516-522.
- Kim, J., & Stavrositu, C.D. (2018). Feelings on Facebook and their correlates with well-being: A moderating role of culture. Computers in Human Behavior, 89, 79-87.
- Kim, J., & Hyun, K. D. (2017). Political disagreement and ambivalence in new information environment: Exploring conditional indirect effects of partisan news use and heterogeneous discussion networks on SNSs on political participation. Telematics and Informatics, 34, 1586-1596.
- Kim, J-H., & Kim, J. (2017). The dynamics of polarization and compromise in conflict situations: The interaction between cultural traits and majority-minority influence. Communication Monographs, 84, 128-141.
- Seo, M., Kim, J., & Yang, H. (2016). Frequent interaction and fast feedback predict perceived social support: Using crawled and self-reported data of Facebook users. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 21, 282-297.
- Kim, J., & Tsay-Vogel, M. (2016). Enjoyment and appreciation as motivators for coping: Exploring the therapeutic effects of media messages on perceived threat. International Journal of Communication, 10, 1786-1808. [*The authors equally contributed to the manuscript.]
- Kim, J-H., Kim, J., & Park, H. S. (2016). Model comparison in group decision making: Effects of the visual cue conditions on social identification process and compensatory nonconformity process. Communication Research, 43, 159-179.
- Kim, J. (2016). Cultural differences in media and well-being. In L. Reinecke & M. B. Oliver (Eds.), Handbook of media use and well-being: International perspective on theory and research on positive media effects (pp. 434-447). New York: Routledge.
- Kim, J., Seo, M., Yu, H-S., & Neuendorf, K. (2014). Cultural differences in preference for entertainment messages that induce mixed responses of joy and sorrow. Human Communication Research, 40, 530-552.
- Kim, J., Kim, J-H., & Seo, M. (2014). Toward a person x situation model of selective exposure: Repressors, sensitizers, and choice of online news on financial crisis. Journal of Media Psychology: Theories, Methods, and Applications, 26, 59-69.
- Kim, J., & Oliver, M. B. (2013). How do we regulate sadness through entertainment messages? Exploring three predictions. Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, 57, 374-391.
- Kim, J. (2012). Beyond simple hedonism: Predicting entertainment preference as a function of discrete affective states. American Journal of Media Psychology, 5, 33-52.
- Kim, J., & Oliver, M. B. (2011). What combination of message characteristics determines hedonic and counter-hedonic preferences? An examination of the interplay between valence and semantic affinity. Media Psychology, 14, 121-143.